Who is Whoozl? A New Streaming and Music Discovery App for Indie Artists


Q: What inspired you to create the platform? 

A: While I was attending University, I was tired of listening to mainstream music and wanted to discover new music and wondered where the next big act was going to come from. I knew that the music industry needed a platform dedicated to undiscovered artists. I didn’t have the time to scroll through cat videos to find the next big act. I thought that if I was getting frustrated trying to discover content, then other people must be too. There had to be a better mouse trap! 

Consumption is at an all time high, but unlike the days when records or CD’s were popular, listening to music is no longer the social activity it once was. I wanted to change the social norm around music discovery. I wanted to make music social and shared as often as it is consumed. 

I sketched out what would eventually become Whoozl, a music discovery platform that turns music discovery into something you can watch! 

Q: How did you start your music industry career? 

A: My love for music started when I was 10, sitting at the back of the bus, having no one to talk to. I quickly learned that people were interested in what I was listening to, which became a great way to make friends. I always wanted a career in the music industry but realized that I didn’t have the talent. I still don’t have the talent, but I can help those who do. 

Q: Who would the service work best for? 

A: The service is primarily for indie artists trying to grow a fanbase. It’s hard to break into a market that is flooded with artists who are backed by big labels. Whoozl gives the unknown artist a chance to grow their fanbase with people who seek undiscovered music, and it levels the playing field for newcomers. Too often, indie artists fail because they spend too much money too early without having a core audience. 

Q: How did you come up with the name "Whoozl"? 

A: I wanted a fun name that sounded like a great tasting candy, that also emphasized the word “WHO”. On Whoozl, it’s all about Whooooozzz the next big act? 

Q: What can we expect from you in 2020? 

A: We’ve spent the first half of 2020 getting the app in the app store. Our focus for the remainder of the year will be on marketing to fans by way of social media, as well as hosting and sponsoring different events in the GTA. Our plan, Covid-19 permitting, is to do one or two live Whoozl events and give some of the best artists on our platform a chance to perform live. 


Whoozl In App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/whoozl-indie-music-discovery/id1513883077?ls=1

Twitter: @whoozlmusic

IG: @whoozl_music

Facebook: @whoozl